Thursday, March 01, 2007

Blurring Definitions

I picked up SSX Blur yesterday, like many other people, and I am really hooked. What's interesting about this game is the huge disparity between different reviews. The game has scored everything from a 5 to an 8 out of 10, and reviewers (as is often the case with Wii games) seem to have wildly varying opinions concerning the controls in particular.

GoNintendo's Raw Meat Cowboy has a great write-up about this crazy gulf between reviews, and I have to say I agree wholeheartedly with him; SSX, like many Wii titles, has a bit of a learning curve, but mastering the controls is very rewarding and makes the game that much more worthwhile. If you have a chance to pick it up, I highly recommend it!

So, that brings me to my review! That's right, I am going to start reviewing games myself, but since there is such a wealth of reviews out there already, I am going to try a different approach. Rather than a lengthy write-up, I thought I would simply put down a couple of impressions about the game, then why I think it's worth picking up or not! So, without further ado, here goes...

SSX Blur
- Control scheme: solid, steep learning curve, especially on Uber-tricks.
- Visuals: great! Some of the best thus far on the Wii, and looks good enough to eat!
- Gameplay: again, very solid, but with some challenging aspects.
- Design: very nice. I especially like the music and the menu interface.

Pick Up? Absolutely! I am not a past SSX fan, although I do enjoy the games somewhat. Blur takes a tried-and-true game genre and draws you into the game even more with the immersive controls. Heck, I like just carving snow to enjoy the sensation of tilting the nunchuck and watching my character lean into curves, trailing a wake of powder behind them.

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