Monday, January 14, 2008

Jingle Bells, Batman Smells, Robin laid a... TOMATO?

Okay, it's after Christmas. Well, after New Year's for that matter, but I couldn't help but think of something slightly silly when I saw this story at Gizmodo. Apparently this guy cuts open a tomato and sees a Bat-symbol in the center, so he puts it up on ebay, and well, you know how these things go.

I swear, I'm gonna shape some earwax into a likeness of the Joker sometime and see how much cash I can make people cough up...

The only thing I wonder about this is, how would Bruce Wayne respond if he cut open a tomato and saw this? Would it send him running to the bat-pole down to the bat-cave?


1 comment:

Our Three Peas said...

HaHa! This is hilarious! I agree, lets make some silly thing out of nothing and see how much money we can fetch! LOL
:) Ash