Monday, June 30, 2008

The Dark Knight Review on

IGN just posted their review of The Dark Knight, giving it a rare 5 stars, or 10 out of 10 score. I read the two-page review from beginning to end, and it is a must-read if you care at all about this movie, Batman in general or just good movies in general. There are no spoilers of any kind in the review, so it's quite safe if you don't want to know too much, but discusses the themes and ideas put forth by the film, as well as the quality of the acting and directing. GO. READ. NOW!

Sunday, June 29, 2008


So, every now and then I 'Get NUTS!' (to quote Michael Keaton), and Google search for Batman collectibles. It's pretty interesting what you can find out there, but often times I am more excited by things I find that are not yet available...

...such as these all new Lego Batman sets! As I have confessed before, I am a lover of all things Lego, as well as all things Batman, so new sets are a HUGE find! These apparently will debut in July sometime (around when the new movie hits), and feature some new characters, like Harley-Quinn, as well as vehicles like the Tumbler! doesn't have these listed yet, but various other toy outlets are already accepting pre-orders, so if you are feeling generous, you can get me one or two of each! (Just kidding...)

Viral Marketing Extraordinaire!

Holy ad campaign, Batman! With The Dark Knight imminent, releasing in just a few weeks, Warner Bros. has launched an awesome viral marketing campaign to promote the film. There are no less than seven satellite websites out there, each with unique content and all aiding in the 'suspension of disbelief' surrounding the new movie. My favorite so far is 'Gotham Cable News', which is made up like a complete network news site, complete with headlines and updated weekly for the past month or so with new episodes of 'Gotham Tonight'.

If you want to see just how extensive the illusion is that Warner Bros. is creating to support The Dark Knight, head on over to Gotham Cable News and see for yourself!