Saturday, August 31, 2013

Batfleck -- Maybe this will be okay...

A few days ago, my phone nearly exploded as friends messaged me about the announcement that Ben Affleck has been cast as Batman in the upcoming sequel to 'Man of Steel'. EVERYONE wanted to know my opinion, even at church the following Sunday morning!

The headline may say it all, but I definitely don't feel great about it. Don't get me wrong - I appreciate Mr. Affleck as an actor (at times) and I can even handle the idea of him in a comic book movie (unlike many, I actually enjoyed Daredevil). My real hangup here is that I cannot bring myself to imagine him as Batman.

Now, I'm not about to start signing petitions or rant on Twitter (let's be a little bit more mature, please), but I definitely don't feel pumped about this casting choice. I do, however, see a glimmer of hope in all of this, which I haven't really observed anyone else discussing. The fact is, a year ago I couldn't imagine Henry Cavill as Superman, either (I HATED 'The Immortals')!

Again, I'm running against the grain a bit with this, but I really enjoyed Man of Steel - the story, character development, visual style, action sequences - I loved it all! It was a refreshing take on Superman, I thought, and that gives me some encouragement regarding Mr. Affleck. After all, Mr. Nolan, Mr. Goyer and Zack Snyder have all managed to impress me so far...

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