Saturday, December 30, 2006

A Nice Surprise!

Christmas day, we drove up to Santa Barbara to be with my family and exchange gifts. We had already spent Christmas Eve with my wife's fam, and I scored some great gifts, but none game related...

So, my brother Brian, who is a gamer, got me something unexpected and also really fun! I opened up his gift to find *drumroll, please* Rampage: Total Destruction for Wii!

Now, I hadn't planned on purchasing Rampage, as it was poorly reviewed (across the board) and my play impressions of the Gamecube version were not good. I am, however, a gracious gift receiver and thanked my brother sincerely for the gift.

The next day, I popped it in, to give it the old college try, and was very pleasantly surprised! While the visuals are nothing to jump up and down over, and the gameplay is very straightforward (it is Rampage, after all), I found myself truly enjoying the silly fun it offered! The addition of motion controls to a crazy arcade brawler of this kind breathes new life into it! I especially like swinging the remote downward to smash both fists into the ground... very satisfying.

Add the fact that the game offers multiplayer for four, over 40 selectable monsters (I like the shark/man) and both the original Rampage and Rampage: World Tour to play, and you've got a pretty cool little package, albeit not "triple A" material.

Again, no depth whatsoever, but who's looking for it? If you can find this one used or on sale, and you just want some mindless goofiness, give it a shot!

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