A few days ago, my phone nearly exploded as friends messaged me about the announcement that Ben Affleck has been cast as Batman in the upcoming sequel to 'Man of Steel'. EVERYONE wanted to know my opinion, even at church the following Sunday morning!
The headline may say it all, but I definitely don't feel great about it. Don't get me wrong - I appreciate Mr. Affleck as an actor (at times) and I can even handle the idea of him in a comic book movie (unlike many, I actually enjoyed Daredevil). My real hangup here is that I cannot bring myself to imagine him as Batman.
Now, I'm not about to start signing petitions or rant on Twitter (let's be a little bit more mature, please), but I definitely don't feel pumped about this casting choice. I do, however, see a glimmer of hope in all of this, which I haven't really observed anyone else discussing. The fact is, a year ago I couldn't imagine Henry Cavill as Superman, either (I HATED 'The Immortals')!
Again, I'm running against the grain a bit with this, but I really enjoyed Man of Steel - the story, character development, visual style, action sequences - I loved it all! It was a refreshing take on Superman, I thought, and that gives me some encouragement regarding Mr. Affleck. After all, Mr. Nolan, Mr. Goyer and Zack Snyder have all managed to impress me so far...
Saturday, August 31, 2013
Wednesday, June 05, 2013
Warner Bros. Interactive Announces Batman: Arkham Origins coming this fall!
Two of my all-time favorite video games are Batman: Arkham Asylum and it's very popular follow up, Batman: Arkham City. Now, I have something more to look forward to in this department, as Batman: Arkham Origins has been announced to release on October 25 for just about every game platform out there! More on this as it develops...

Thursday, May 23, 2013
Monday, March 18, 2013
Guess who's favorite animated series are coming to Netflix?
GREAT NEWS, everyone!
Warner Bros. and Netflix Instant Streaming have decided to bless all of us Bat-Fans with something awesome this month -- they will be bringing several of Cartoon Network's popular animated series to Netflix on March 30th. These include Justice League, Justice League Unlimited, Batman Beyond and Batman: the Brave and the Bold.
Now if we can just get that pesky Animated Series on streaming...
Read the news on SuperHeroHype.com right here.
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Games: Batman Arkham City for Wii U

Last year, I played through Batman: Arkham City on my Playstation 3. The game received much critical acclaim and I thoroughly enjoyed it as an excellent follow up to Arkham Asylum. In fact, I have often praised both of these games as the best video game interpretation of Batman as a character and mythos that I've ever enjoyed, capturing the feel of 'being' the Dark Knight in a visceral and palpable way.
With that in mind, it was an easy choice to pick up the 'Armored Edition' of Arkham City for my new Wii U (thank you, Christmas!), and I must say that I feel it's the DEFINITIVE version of the game. Even if you've already played through this excellent title on XBOX 360 or PS3, the Wii U version adds elements that enhance the game tremendously PLUS it includes all of the later-released downloadable bonus content, like 'Harley Quinn's Revenge', at NO extra cost!
Why, you ask, do I consider the Wii U release of this title to be superior? It's all about the GamePad. Arkham City: Armored Edition uses the Wii U GamePad masterfully and thoroughly. When you're running around Arkham City, the map you would normally have needed to pause the game to pull up is constantly on display on your GamePad screen, complete with waypoints marked for your next objective, side missions, Riddler trophies and more. When Batman needs to hack into computer terminals, isolate radio frequencies, detonate explosive gel or control his remote-controlled Batarang, the GamePad also comes into play, which means the only thing that would make you feel more like The Dark Knight is if the GamePad was strapped to your left arm. Furthermore, when you want to customize your gadget loadout, the touchscreen is so much easier to work with than buttons and sticks.
The game's graphics engine chugs occasionally so the framerate and textures don't quite compare to those on the other two platforms (I believe this had more to do with a rushed development than any deficiency on the Wii U's part), but apart from that this edition of the game is a knockout. Oh, did I mention that it supports off-screen play? Definitely a winning feature.
If you'd like to enjoy this version of Batman: Arkham City, click over to Amazon right now and pick it up:
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Acquired: Hallmark 2012 Dark Knight Rises Keepsake Ornament

Every Christmas my awesome wife purchases Hallmark's annual Keepsake Batman ornament for me and while it took some extra time and effort, this year was no exception. A few weeks AFTER Christmas, she came home with this pretty little package to add to my growing collection.

THE GOOD: This ornament has a great dynamic pose, with Batman leaping through the air, cape billowing out behind him. He looks intense and ready to take someone out. The detail on the ornament is well done and The Dark Knight's suit looks pretty accurate. The ornament is also made of a plasticky material that feels as though it will hold up to being dropped much better than the fragile stuff of previous years.

THE BAD: While I love the pose and the suit detail, Batman's face doesn't hold up so well. I don't mind too much, as this is a Christmas tree ornament and I don't have people visiting and scrutinizing my tree, but I would still appreciate a bit more care in this area. In addition, although the new material feels more durable, it also feels a bit cheap. The cape itself is actually flexible, which reminds me more of a kids toy than a collectible.

CONCLUSION: BUY IT! If you love Batman, like me, and you're a fan of Hallmark's annual ornament series, this is a must have. Despite the cheaper feel of the materials, this ornament still achieves its primary purpose with ease - looking AWESOME on your Christmas Tree!
Pick this item up on Amazon today:
Saturday, July 21, 2012
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